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Image depicting youth, as in, India ranks 122nd on 2020 Global Youth Development Index

India ranks 122nd on 2020 Global Youth Development Index


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The 2020 Global Youth Development Index is an index that measures the condition of young people across 181 countries around the world. The Commonwealth Secretariat released it recently.

What is the Commonwealth Secretariat?

The Commonwealth Secretariat is the main intergovernmental agency of the Commonwealth of Nations (which includes India). It is responsible for facilitating co-operation between members states. The Secretariat is located at Marlborough House in London, the UK.

This index ranks young people in countries across 5 categories that are critical to youth development. They are education, health, employment, civic participation, and political participation. It looks at the world’s 1.8 billion young people between the age of 15 and 29.

As per the 2020 Global Youth Development Index, India is ranked 122nd among 181 countries. This year’s index shows that India is among the top five risers on the index between 2010 and 2018, alongside Afghanistan and Russia.

Who is ranked on top?

This time, Singapore is on top, followed by Slovenia, Norway, Malta and Denmark. On the other hand, at the bottom of the list are Chad, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Afghanistan and Niger respectively.

The youth are very important for the development and progress of the future. Hence, such an index is vital to helping countries measure their contributions as well as see what can be improved.

Overall, the index shows advances in youth’s participation in peace processes and their education, employment, inclusion and health care since 2010.


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