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Image depicting International Lefthanders Day - 13 August

International Lefthanders Day – 13 August


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Happy International Lefthanders Day!

This day aims to celebrate the uniqueness and differences of all lefthanders of the world.

The day was first observed in the year 1976 by Dean R. Campbell, founder of Lefthanders International, Inc.

Who is a lefthander?

A lefthander is someone who uses his/her left hands better than the right hand.

There are approximately 708 million left-handers in the world. Being lefthanded can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Most people in the world are right-handed. So, most things in the world are designed for right-handed people. But it doesn’t mean it’s all bad for lefthanded people.


Lefthanded keyboard

Why is this day important?

Celebrating this day and raising awareness has successfully led to improved product design and greater consideration of left-handers’ needs.

Some famous lefthanders are – billionaire Bill Gates, former US President Barack Obama and celebrity Oprah Winfrey.

President Obama signs with his left hand

Are you a lefthander or do you know anyone who is? Tell us about it.


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