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Image depicting Japanese Macaque's throne in danger!

Japanese Macaque throne in danger!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

In Southern Japan, not so long ago

Not so long ago, in southern Japan, a young female snow monkey (“Macaque”) led her 600 member monkey troops. Now it seems her monkey empire might come crashing down due to a silent natural force “An upcoming reproduction season”. Stories from the animal kingdom always bring a smile to our beloved readers. And this story is no different. 


Yakei is a nine-year-old female Japanese macaque living peacefully in a quiet wildlife park. In the year 2021, she became the first female leader in the park’s 70-year history. Wow! The story shared by the caretakers at the park highlighted that Yakei had to struggle and work really hard in getting to the throne.

Fight to finish

Yakei fought against her own mother and became the top female in her troop. In addition, she fought against five male troops to take and hold the topmost position. Our little readers may not be familiar but our animal kingdom has many stories of such hostile takeovers. In many species, the fight to survive and be at the top of their group is fairly common. 

A rare case in Japanese macaque society

In the Japanese macaque society, very few cases have been reported of such takeovers by females. Talk about feminine power! Macaques are known to live life to the fullest in the hot springs when it gets snowy. Monkeys with a higher ranking get more food and females for company. Female macaques get a rank just below their mother’s. 

Only time will tell whether Yakei continues to lead or if she has to fight another monkey to hold onto her throne. Any advances on her seen with fear and suspicion.

At Curious Times we hope she gets to hold on to the bananas and her throne for the longest time possible.


Hope our readers enjoy this short video from National Geographic on Japanese Macaque.


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