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Image depicting London's Tower Bridge gets stuck open due to a technical fault

London’s famous Tower Bridge gets stuck open

Recommended for Foundational Grades

Have you ever seen a photo of London’s Tower Bridge? See above.

The Tower Bridge is a famous bridge in London, England. It was built more than 125 years ago. The bridge is built across the River Thames, close to the Tower of London. The bridge can open up to allow big ships to pass by. It normally opens about 800 times every year.

Well, recently, the bridge faced a bit of a problem. It got stuck while trying to open!

This led to the police having to stop traffic for almost 12 hours. They warned people and cars to take other roads while the repair was going on. It got stuck last year as well but that lasted only for an hour.

The bridge is now unstuck but experts are trying to understand what exactly was the problem.

Watch a video on how the bridge opens and closes normally to let a ship through. Video credit: London Toolkit/Youtube


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