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Image depicting Covid-19: Omicron spreads in India

More Omicron cases found: Covid -19 Update


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More Omicron cases found: Covid -19 Update

We already know that WHO (World Health Organization) named the new Coronavirus variant “Omicron“.

The Omicron cases were initially found in South Africa. Now, it is spreading in different parts of the world. The new variant is considered to be more contagious (spreading fast) than the earlier ones. But with the limited findings, the doctors believe that the omicron virus is less severe than the delta variant.

India Covid -19 Update

India recorded a total of 6,822 active Covid- 19 cases on Tuesday. This is the lowest number of cases in the last 18 months. The omicron has reached a toll of 23 in India.

The new cases of the Omicron variant have been found in Karnataka, Mumbai, Delhi and Gujarat, Rajasthan and Pune too.

Amidst the scare of omicron variant, several states in India have stepped up to vaccination and follow the COVID safety measures for the protection from the virus. Schools and colleges are closed in many states but the board exams are continuing. Travel restrictions continue to prevail.

Covid World Update

Omicron has spread to around 35 countries. Many countries are imposing travel restrictions, as the virus is easily transmissible. Africa and Europe are seeing a big surge. Most scientists believe that the variant spreads fast but is less severe. However, WHO has warned not to treat it lightly.

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