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Image depicting mars, as in, NASA is looking for people to spend a year on "Mars"

NASA is looking for people to spend a year on “Mars”


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Want to live on Mars? NASA’s new mission is offering the opportunity (sort of).

NASA is looking for people to spend a year on Mars. However, this is not the real planet Mars but a simulation mission. This means NASA has designed a place that looks and is like Mars – its weather, living conditions, oxygen, everything is like Mars.

The mission is called the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA)

CHAPEA is designed to test the problems or hardships that astronauts will face while living on Mars in the future. This test will help NASA scientists find solutions for problems that may come up at that time.

CHAPEA has 3 parts (analogs). NASA is looking for four participants for the first part right now. The other two will take place in 2024 and 2025 respectively.

The participants must be permanent US residents or American citizens, between 30 and 55 years old, who have a masters degree in science. They have to apply by 17 September 2021. NASA will select only people in good health who do not have motion sickness. Moreover, NASA will pay them for the experiment.

Mars Dune Alpha 

The selected crew members will live and work in the Mars Dune Alpha.

What is the Mars Dune Alpha?

Mars Dune Alpha is a Mars-like place spread across 160 square kilometres, located in isolation at the NASA Johnson Space Centre in the US.

In the Mars Dune Alpha, crew members will get their own rooms. It also has a medical bay, kitchen, and fitness space and a place to grow crops.

A company called the ICON company has built the Mars Alpha Dune. 


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