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Image depicting moon, as in, NASA says Moon 'wobble' could cause floods in 2030s

NASA says Moon ‘wobble’ could cause more floods in 2030s


Recommended for Secondary Grades

We know that the gravitational pull of the Moon can affect tides in the ocean on Earth.

Now, a new NASA study says that in the 2030s, US coastal areas could face an increase in high tide floods. This will be due to a ‘wobble’ in the Moon’s orbit.

Such a ‘wobble’ in the Moon’s orbit lasts 18.6 years. And during this time, there is a period where tides in Earth’s oceans are highly affected. While the ‘wobble’ has always been there, this combined with rising sea levels (due to climate change) will make the impact stronger.

High tide or nuisance floods happen when low-lying areas, especially streets, get flooded by ocean water during high tide events. While high tide floods may not seem that dangerous at first, they will affect homes and businesses in the long run.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) reported over 600 high tide floods in 2019. But the new study says that these floods could last a month or longer in the 2030s. But it also depends on the positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun.

This study is the first of its kind, which looks at all known oceanic and astronomical causes for floods.

Here is a video on how the Moon affects the ocean’s tides:


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