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Image depicting Earth Trojan asteroids

Astronomers detect New Earth trojan asteroids.


Recommended for Middle Grades

Astronomers detect Earth trojan asteroids.

The astronomers have confirmed the existence of a new earth trojan asteroids. It will be Earth’s neighbour for the next 4,000 years. This trojan is orbiting the Sun along the same path as the Earth.

What is trojan asteroid?

Trojan asteroids are a group of asteroids that revolve around the Sun.

How was the trojan asteroids discovered?

The SOAR(Southern Astrophysical Research) Telescope in Chile made the discovery of the trojan asteroid. At that time, the asteroid was moving around the Sun along with Earth. These trojans are mainly found in the belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The first Trojan asteroid detected was the 2010 TK7. Earlier, astronomers did not know its orbit and they thought that it was another object going around the Sun.

About the Trojan asteroids

The astronomers have said that this new asteroid won’t be Earth’s neighbour forever. It may be there for 4,000 years, but then, it will disappear beneath the space.

The new asteroid XL5 is a C-type asteroid with a size larger than one kilometre. The C-type asteroid contains a lot of carbon and it is dark in colour. Moreover, it is the most common type of asteroid found in the Solar System.

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