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image depicting New study shows how fast coastal cities are sinking as sea levels rise

New study shows how fast coastal cities are sinking as sea levels rise


Recommended for Secondary Grades

A new study shows how fast coastal cities are sinking as sea levels rise

Global warming is causing glaciers to melt. This is leading to sea levels rise.

A new study says that the economic impacts of rising sea levels will be felt four times faster by people living in some of the world’s biggest coastal cities. These cities are sinking beneath their own weight into huge holes created below the surface.

Sea levels rise

Groundwater and other resources are also being extracted from beneath coastal cities like Jakarta (Indonesia), New Orleans (US) and Shanghai (China). This is causing them to slowly sink in, causing greater risks from flooding and storm surges. This phenomenon is called subsidence.

In fact, the situation has become so bad in Jakarta that Indonesia is shifting its capital from Jakarta. It is a move that will cost billions of dollars by the time it begins later this decade.

Sea levels rise has been at about 2.5 millimetres a year globally over the last two decades. However, for coastal areas, this is about 7.8 to 9.9 millimetres annually. People living in coastal areas make up about 58% of the world’s population.

The new research suggests that governments should try to get development and groundwater extraction to slow down. This will help lessen the impact of rising sea levels in the coastal areas.


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