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Image depicting super glue as in New 'super glue' made from snake venom can stop severe bleeding

New ‘super glue’ made from snake venom can stop severe bleeding


Recommended for Secondary Grades

‘Super glue’ from snake venom.

An international study says that a new bioadhesive gel can instantly stop severe bleeding. Scientists have created this gel from the venom of lancehead snakes.

What are lancehead snakes?

These are a type of highly venomous (poisonous) but rare viper snakes found in South America.

This new bioadhesive gel is a type of super glue. Bioadhesive gels are used to bind (stick) living tissue.

Snake venom is dangerous because it causes excessive clotting until the person’s body fails to create any other clot. Then, the person ends up bleeding excessively. This process is called consumption coagulopathy and it can lead to death.

So, what can you use this new super glue for? This glue can stop excessive bleeding in a few seconds. So, if you get injured, you can simply apply the glue on the wound and shine a flashlight on it. Then, it will stop the bleeding.

How did they create the glue?

Scientists created the glue from a molecule called reptilase in the snake venom. This molecule is said to be responsible for blood clotting.

Scientists already use reptilase in laboratories to measure fibrinogen levels in the body. Fibrinogen is produced in our liver and helps in blood clots.


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