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Olympic medallist auctions silver medal to save sick boy


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At the recent Tokyo Olympics, javelin thrower, Maria Andrejczyk of Poland became an Olympic medallist. She won a silver medal. With her win, she created a Polish record. Her throw was also the third-best result in the history of the women’s javelin throw competition.

While such a medal would be priceless for any athlete, for Maria, helping a child was more important.

The Olympic medallist auctioned her medal to help an 8-month-old boy get important heart surgery. She auctioned the medal for US$125,000 (about ₹92 lakhs).

What is an auction?

It is a public sale where items are sold to the person who offers to pay the most money.

What is the story?

The boy’s name is Miloszek Malysa. He was born with a heart defect and he needed the surgery to live a healthy life. However, the surgery was very expensive and his parents asked for donations. When Maria heard the story, she decided to sell her silver medal to help them.

A Polish supermarket store named Zabka bought Maria’s medal. But, they were also inspired by Maria’s kind move. And so, they have let the Olympic medallist keep the medal.

Now, the little kid, Miloszek, will undergo heart surgery at Stanford University Medical Center in California, US. Let’s wish him the very best and hope he will recover soon.


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Comments: 1
  1. CoolViru_2010 says:

    very nice

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