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Image depicting Over 1 crore turtles born in Odisha's Gahirmatha beach

Over 1 crore turtles born in Odisha’s Gahirmatha beach


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Sea turtles in Gahirmatha beach

Today, many sea turtles are endangered. This means there are very few of them and we must protect them. The olive ridley sea turtle is one such turtle. Also known as the Pacific ridley sea turtle, this is the second-smallest of all sea turtles.

Where do sea turtles lay eggs?

Sea turtles live in the ocean but lay their eggs on beaches. Then, the mothers leave the eggs behind. After a while, baby turtles hatch (come out) from the eggs and also enter the ocean.

Recently, about 1.48 crore olive ridley baby turtles hatched at the Gahirmatha beach in Odisha. This beach does not have any people.

Earlier, more than 3 lakh turtles had come to the Gahirmatha beach to lay eggs. Then, officials protected the eggs till they hatched. The baby turtles spent about one hour on the beach and then, went into the ocean.


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