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Saudi Arab Prince Mohammed becomes uncrowned King


Recommended for Middle Grades

Saudi Arab Prince Mohammed becomes the uncrowned king.

Prince Mohammed is taking charge of the presidential meetings as the existing ruler of Saudi Arabia is suffering from health issues. Prince Mohammed has represented Saudi Arabia at important events such as the Gulf Cooperation Council Summit.

The prince claims himself as a follower of moderate Islam. He favours tourists and investments from abroad. His aim is to keep businesses open to different commercial sectors.

Development Efforts by Prince Mohammed

Prince Mohammed has brought many social changes to the country. He allowed many positive steps in gender equality such as driving, working in the public sector, women’s football team. Moreover, the citizens were allowed to enjoy an additional income offered to them. These changes came with moderation on free speech.

Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, also known as MBS, has welcomed Israel with open arms. He has allowed Israel’s commercial aircraft to pass through the Saudi air space. He also started a Gulf tour ahead of the Gulf summit and met with heads of Gulf Cooperation Council member states.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s presence is welcomed in the Arab society and people have accepted this change with ease.

Guess what? Curious Times has thousands of readers in Saudi too!

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