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Science says being outdoors can improve your health


Recommended for Middle Grades

Being outdoors can improve your health

Good health is a necessity in a world where everyone is having a busy lifestyle. People are immersed in work and not taking care of health issues to keep up with everyone.

A recent study has revealed that being outdoors within nature and green spaces can help to improve your health. It lowers the risk of long-term depression, improves sleep and also changes a person’s mood.

In the study, a psychologist named Sean Cain and his colleagues tested the effects of natural lights on people. They noticed a remarkable change in the moods of people. In this study, they tested over 290 million people from over 20 countries.

What is depression?

Depression is a common mood disorder which is a leading cause of disability in the world.

The study

Many people usually spend only two hours in the daylight and it affects their health adversely. Moreover, not getting enough sunlight can lead to a change in mood swifts and troubled sleep issues. This can cause depression. The study also looked at seasonal differences, employment, social and sleep activities.

The researchers also said that humans are born knowing the distinction (difference) between day and night. However, today, many of us use artificial light and this affects our health.

Moreover, they also found that a diverse variety of bacteria present in the natural areas help to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. All these can help improve your health.


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