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Image depicting See the Super Pink Moon on 27 April

See the Super Pink Moon on 27 April


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Super Pink Moon

Did you know that the full Moon in April is called the Pink Moon?  This year, it will be visible on 27 April 2021.

This full Moon will also be a supermoon –  a Super Pink Moon. A supermoon happens when a full Moon comes closest to Earth. During a supermoon, the Moon appears bigger and brighter than it usually does.

April’s full Moon is also called the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.

The Pink Moon is named after a plant called the phlox, which is pink in colour. This plant is found in the eastern parts of the US. It is one of the earliest flowers of the spring season.

However, the Moon does not look pink. It looks more red or orange.

Supermoons in 2021

There will be two more supermoons this year. One will be the next full Moon – Super Flower Moon in May. The next will be the Super Strawberry Moon in June. Make sure to catch them all.

Watch a video about the Moon. Video credit: Happy Learning English/Youtube


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