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Image depicting moon, as in, See the Strawberry Moon Eclipse tonight

See the Strawberry Moon Eclipse tonight


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The sixth full Moon of the year, in the month of June, is known as “Strawberry Moon“.

The Strawberry Moon begins at 3:12 p.m. EDT on 5 June (at 12:42 a.m. on June 6 IST).

Why is the full Moon of June called the Strawberry Moon?

It is popularly called Strawberry Moon because tribes in North America used to harvest wild berries (a fruit similar to strawberry) exactly at this time of the year. The Moon turns reddish or rose colour due to the same reason as the rising and setting sun is reddish.

Due to atmospheric changes in some European regions, the full Moon in summer shines brighter than at other times of the year.

This year’s Strawberry Moon comes with a penumbral lunar eclipse too. Hence it is known as Strawberry Moon Eclipse

In India, the penumbral lunar eclipse will start at 11:15 p.m. on 5 June and will end at 2:34 a.m. on 6 June. The eclipse will be visible at its full stage at 12:54 a.m. on 6 June.

What is a penumbral lunar eclipse?

  • A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth obstructs the Sun’s light on the Moon.
  • In a penumbral lunar eclipse, the Earth places itself between the Sun and the Moon and forms a line, which is not straight.
  • Due to this, the Earth blocks the sunlight from directly reaching the Moon’s surface thus forming a shadow, called the penumbra.


Credit: Arpitha


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Comments: 2
  1. naitikmorya says:

    I saw strawberry moon .
    I saw it on 11:30 pm

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