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Image depicting taliban, as in, The Taliban take over Afghanistan capital Kabul

The Taliban comes back to power in Afghanistan


Recommended for Secondary Grades

We read about the Taliban capturing cities in Afghanistan as the US forces withdrew.

After 20 years (since 2001) the Taliban is back in power in Afghanistan. The Taliban has taken over Kabul, the capital city. They have also taken over the presidential palace in Kabul after former President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.

Many Afghanis as well as foreigners are scrambling to leave the country. Thousands are crowding Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport even though commercial flights have been stopped. Videos show scenes of chaos and desperation as people rush to get onto planes.

The US defense secretary has approved the deployment of 1,000 more US troops into Afghanistan to help US citizens and allies leave the country safely. US President Joe Biden is coming under criticism for his move to withdraw all US troops.

Several governments including Finland, the UK, Australia, France and South Korea have closed their embassies and are working to get their people out of the country.

More than 60 countries have called on the Taliban to allow anyone who wishes to depart to do so. They have also requested them to keep roads, airports and border crossings open.


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