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image depicting This space object is both a comet and an asteroid

This space object is both a comet and an asteroid


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Scientists recently discovered a space object called (248370) 2005 QN173. They found it in the main asteroid belt, and like millions of other asteroids, is going around the Sun.

Where is the asteroid belt located?

The asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System exist. Scientists say the asteroid belt probably contains millions of asteroids.

However, there is something unusual about this space rock. While it seems to be like an asteroid and is found along with the other asteroids in our solar system, it also has the characteristics of a comet.

Comets and asteroids

Comets and asteroids are quite different from each other even though they are both space objects. A comet looks like a bright star with a tail and that moves around the Sun. It usually travels from the outer Solar System. Comets are usually filled with ices that generate a dusty, misty atmosphere (called a coma) and the famous cometary tails. On the other hand, asteroids are usually found in the main asteroid belt and are mostly dry and rocky.

But the space object (248370) 2005 QN173 is what is called a main-belt comet. There are asteroids that show characteristics of comets. This means, they are icy and release some of their material into space when warmed by the Sun. The material then flows behind in comet-like tails. Scientists have discovered only about 20 main-belt asteroids till now.

The space object 248370’s cometary nucleus (the chunk of rock from which the tail extends) is only around 3.2 kilometres wide.  But it’s very long  (720,000 kilometres!). Scientists will continue to observe this unusual space object to learn more about it.


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