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Image depicting Tug of war used to be an Olympic sport

Tug of war used to be an Olympic sport


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Tug of war is a simple and fun game played by both kids and adults. In this game, players organise into 2 groups and grab on the opposite sides of a rope. The goal of the sport is to see which team is stronger. They can pull the other team to their side, or over the middle line.

These days, it is a game that children play at summer camp. But tug of war used to be an actual Olympic sport. Between 1900 to 1920, 10 countries competed in the game in the Olympics. The United Kingdom was the most successful team.

What were the rules?

It was a part of the track and field games. The rules were simple. Each team was to drag the rope in his team’s direction. If this was successful, the game was won. Every team had between 5 and eight members. They also wore matching uniforms.


Today, it is no longer an Olympic sport but there is a global body called the Tug of War International Federation. It has over sixty members worldwide including the UK, Sweden, Netherlands, and Denmark. They organise an annual world championship too.

Here is a video of the world championship in 2015. Video credit: Tug of War Association/Youtube


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