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Image depicting Vote for the winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Vote for the winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We have read about the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards before.

What is the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards?

It is a yearly competition where photographers enter photos of wild animals caught in funny situations, unknowingly. The competition aims to use great, funny photos of animals to raise awareness of the importance of saving wildlife and animals.

The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards works in partnership with the Born Free Foundation. This is an international organisation specialising in the protection of wild animals.

So, who are this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards finalists?

Judges selected 42 images as the finalists for the competition. They had received more than 7,000 images from around the world. These came from many countries including the UK, South Africa, Germany and India.

Some of the finalists include a grey seal pup that appears to be giggling and a boxfish that looks like it’s pouting at the camera. You can go to their website and vote for the winners.  You can vote till 10 October 2021. And the winners will be announced on 22 October 2021.

Moreover, this year, some of the money earned from the competition will be donated to Save Wild Orangutans. This is an organisation that works to save orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park, Borneo, Indonesia.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and vote for your favourite at the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards.


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