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Image depicting Tortoise enjoys homemade back scratcher

Watch a video: Tortoise enjoys homemade back scratcher


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Sunny is a radiated tortoise living in the Dallas Zoo in the US.

Radiated tortoises are a rare type of tortoise. Its name comes from the pattern on its shell. This pattern has yellow lines that radiate (flow) out from the centre. This turtle is known for its long life, and can live for at least 188 years.

Where can you find radiated tortoises?

Radiated tortoises live on the island of Madagascar.

Recently, zookeepers made a homemade scratching station for Sunny. You can see the video below where Sunny is wiggling while trying it out.

They made the scratching station from broom heads. It can help Sunny itch the places where it cannot reach (like the top of its shell).

Tortoise shells

Unlike how you see in cartoons, tortoises’ shells are not separate from their bodies. They are actually part of their spine and they have nerve endings that run on the top.

Watch Sunny below trying out his back scratcher. Video credit: Dallas Zoo/Youtube


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