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image depicting Watch a video: Virgin Hyperloop's new pods can travel at 1000 kmph

Watch a video: Virgin Hyperloop’s new pods can travel at 1000 kmph

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Have you read about Virgin Hyperloop before? This is an American company that is developing a hyperloop transport system. It had earlier tested its first ride with human passengers.

What is Hyperloop?

Hyperloop is a new form of ground transport system. In this system, people travel in a vehicle in a vacuum tube (tube with no or little air) at speeds as high as 1000 km per hour. The vehicles are designed to float rather than use wheels like trains or cars.

Virgin Hyperloop’s system uses magnetic levitation to help the vehicle float. This is similar to current advanced high-speed train projects in Japan and Germany.

Recently, Virgin Hyperloop released a new video showing its plans for the new transportation system. In the video, you can see a series of passenger pods (coaches) inside a tube that has a near-vacuum environment.

Each pod carrying passengers are not physically connected. So, this means, each pod can travel to a different station. Virgin Hyperloop says that the system will be able to transport “tens of thousands of passengers per hour, per direction.

But will we actually see hyperloop in action soon?

However, all this is still very new. And so, there is still a lot of development waiting to happen before we can actually see Virgin Hyperloop’s system being used commonly.

SpaceX chief Elon Musk is also working on a similar hyperloop system.

Watch the Virgin Hyperloop video below. Video credit: Richard Branson/Youtube


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