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Bigfin squid : Watch a video of this rare, strange squid


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Have you heard of the bigfin squid? Let’s learn a little about it.

As we develop new technologies, we are able to make new discoveries in the ocean as well as take photos and videos of creatures which are very rarely seen.

Recently, cameras in the ocean around Australia have captured videos of a very strange squid which is the rare bigfin squid. These are very unique-looking, rarely seen squids that live inside the deep ocean. They have only been seen about 12 times before.

The videos were taken using a combination of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and other cameras. An ROV is an unoccupied underwater robot with a camera that is connected to a ship by a series of wires.

The cameras captured videos of 5 different bigfin squids. They were different in sizes and shapes. It is also the first time the squid has been spotted in Australian waters.

The shortest young squid was about 2.5 inches long while the largest was about six feet. The videos also show that the squids are transparent orange-pink in colour. The colour was not known before

Through the videos, scientists found that the squid’s tentacles (arms) are about 11 times longer than their body length. It is believed that they are “sticky” and can be used to trap their food.

While we still do not know much about these rare bigfin squids, scientists believe that it could live all over the world and could actually be very common in the ocean.

See the squid below:

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