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image depicting Huge deep-sea fish gobbles up a whole shark

Watch video: Huge deep-sea fish gobbles up shark


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Huge deep-sea fish gobbles up a whole shark

Have you ever seen shows on TV channels that show lions hunting other animals? It is not that difficult to capture such videos on land but videos like that from the deepest parts of the ocean are very rare.

Scientists have captured a rare and amazing video of a deep-sea shark being eaten up by a hungry deep-sea fish called wreckfish.

The event happened at about 450 metres deep inside the sea near South Carolina, US.

In the video, you can see that at first, the sharks were eating the remains of a dead swordfish. These sharks are called sleeper sharks and they move very slowly. They usually swim around slowly in the depths of the ocean looking for food.

However, as they were eating, they did not notice that a deepwater Atlantic wreckfish had also come there.  The wreckfish quickly gobbled up one of the sharks.


What do we know about wreckfishes?

Wreckfishes are also called stone bass and bass gropers. They are huge in size and can grow bigger than 2 metres in length. It is a deep-sea fish and is usually found around deep water caves and shipwrecks.

The video was initially uploaded by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They caught the action on video by accident while searching for the remains of an oil tanker.

Video credit: Post and Courier/NOAA/Youtube


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