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Who is the Bird Photographer of the Year 2021?


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The Bird Photographer of the Year (BPOTY) has announced the winners of the competition this year.

What is the Bird Photographer of the Year competition?

The Bird Photographer of the Year (BPOTY) is a famous worldwide bird photography competition. It awards the best bird photos of the year. The competition is also to raise awareness and money to save birds,

The winning photo was of a roadrunner bird stopped in its tracks at the border wall between the US and Mexico. See it below. A Mexican photographer named Alejandro Prieto took the photo.

Photographers around the world submitted more than 22,000 this year for the competition. But it was Alejandro who won the coveted (most wanted) title of Bird Photographer of the Year.

Judges chose the photo because the wall between the two countries is meant to block people from crossing. But it also blocks animal movement, disturbing their natural routine.

Other winners

The competition also awards other photographers in eight categories. They include Best Portrait, Birds in the Environment, and Birds in Flight. See all the winners on their website

Anyone can participate in the competition. The competition for 2022 will open on 30 September 2021 and is open to photographers of all experience levels.


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