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Why are yellow crazy ants invading Indian villages?


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Yellow crazy ants are causing serious damage to different villages in the state of Tamil Nadu. The villagers claim that these ants pose a threat to their way of life.  They kill their cattle and also reduce the amount of food their crops produce.

The majority of the residents here are either farmers or livestock owners.

The scientific name for these ants is Anoplolepis gracilipes. They flourish in the warm climates of the tropics.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) says that yellow ants are one of the world’s most troublesome invasive species.

The experts agree that these ants have a high rate of reproduction and have the potential to “cause a significant amount of damage to native animals.”

Key Facts about Yellow Crazy Ants Infestation!

  • The yellow crazy ants do not bite or sting but instead spray acid, which could affect sensitive individuals.
  • They move in a way that is both unpredictable and clumsy.
  • And when they are startled, their movement becomes even more unpredictable.
  • These ants don’t have any specific dietary requirements or preferences.
  • They consume everything like various types of ants, bees, wasps etc.
  • As soon as the villagers get within a short distance of the forest, the ants begin to climb all over them.
  • This results in itching and blistering.
  • In addition, cattle herders in the area near the forest have abandoned their settlements because of the ants infestation.
  • Experts are unable to figure out why these ants have become so widespread. Also, how to keep them under control.
  • Authorities have warned the villagers not to let their cattle graze in the forest.
  • Experts state that they need to collect more data in the areas that are affected by the infestation so that they can analyse the problem and offer solutions.

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Watch a video

Check out yellow crazy ants kill a red crab. The video is shared by “BBC Earth”.

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