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Image depicting World's biggest triceratops dinosaur skeleton is on sale

World’s biggest triceratops dinosaur skeleton is on sale


Recommended for Middle Grades

A while ago, we read about the sale of the biggest T-rex dinosaur skeleton named Stan. Now, this October, another big dinosaur skeleton is going on sale.

This time, it is the world’s biggest skeleton of the dinosaur triceratops. They have named the skeleton “Big John“. It is 66 million years old and about eight metres long. It also has a two-metre-wide skull and about 200 bones.

What were triceratops dinosaurs like?

They were huge, four-legged, plant-eating dinosaurs. They had 3 horns, a parrot-like beak and a large frill.

However, before it goes on sale, they will display it to the public from 18 October at the Drouot auction house in Paris. Sellers say that it could sell for about US$1.4-$1.8 million.

Who discovered Big John?

A geologist named Walter W. Stein Bill discovered Big John in 2014 in the US state of South Dakota. This skeleton is unique also because it is more than 60% complete, which is very rare. Most of the time, we find only parts and bones of a dinosaur.


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Dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. But even today, they remain very popular in our collective imagination. We keep finding out new fascinating things about them and how they lived their lives. However, like animals today, there were many many different types of dinosaurs. Some were as small as birds while some were as huge as whales today. So, keep coming along with us at Curious Times as we go on a journey to find out more about these amazing ancient animals. 

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