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Image depicting World's largest painting sold to help children across the world

World’s largest painting sold to help children across the world


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Did you know, the world’s largest painting on canvas is 1,600 square metres in size? That’s about three times as big as a basketball court!

Called The Journey of Humanity, the painting was created by British artist Sacha Jafri.

Recently, the painting was sold for US$62 million (about ₹450 crores). It is one of the most expensive paintings ever sold by a living artist.

Jafri created the world’s largest painting using 1,065 paint brushes and 6,300 litres of paint. It took him eight months to paint it.

Jafri had asked children across the world to send their own art showing how they felt during the pandemic. The painting was inspired by all the pictures the children sent.

The world’s largest painting was bought by French businessman Andre Abdoune.

What next?

Jafri now plans to use the money to help children across the globe. He will donate it to organisations like Dubai Cares, UNICEF, and UNESCO who work with children, especially in poor countries.

Watch a video of the world’s largest painting below. Video credit: Sacha Jafri/Youtube


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