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Image depicting World's rarest chameleons are found alive

World’s rarest chameleons found alive


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World’s rarest chameleons

The world’s rarest chameleons are the Chapman’s pygmy chameleons. They were first discovered in 1992 in the lowland rainforests of Malawi hills of the country of Malawi. But they were not seen after 1992 and were feared to be extinct (gone forever).

But, recently, scientists decided to look through the forest where the pygmy chameleons used to be found. They hoped that they might spot them. Then, one night, while walking at night, they found their first pygmy chameleon at the forest’s edge.

What are chameleons?

Chameleons are a type of lizard. They are famous for their ability to change the colour of their skin which helps them blend in with the environment.

What are pygmy chameleons like?

Pygmy chameleons are little, gentle creatures. They don't have a tail like most chameleons. These creature crawl up onto low bushes at night and they perfectly blend into the colour of the leaves.

Scientists call for the conservation effort

Scientists are thrilled to find the pygmy chameleons alive. But at the same time,  they are sad to learn that these chameleons are very less in number and cannot reach one another. This means they cannot have baby chameleons. So, now, the scientists want to help save the pygmy chameleons. They also want the government to do something to save them.


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