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Image depicting 5 Simple Ways to Play and Learn with Your 0-3 Year Old

5 Simple Ways to Play and Learn with Your 0-3 Year Old

By Vibha Iyer, Lead – Learning and Design, Rocket Learning. Ms. Iyer is also a part of the working committee that planned and detailed Navchetana, India’s first framework for early simulation in the 0-3 ages.

Imagine a child of 11 months, sitting on the kitchen floor as their father peels green peas for lunch. A few peas slip out and roll away. The parent asks the young child “Can you bring back the pea and put it in the bowl?” He even picks up a pea, and shows the child how it’s done.

The young one, excited by the challenge, crawls in the direction of the pea and focuses on trying to pick up the object with their tiny fingers, attempting to showcase their still developing pincer grip. Finally, he’s done it! The child now crawls back to the bowl and places the pea in the bowl with the others.

The father claps for the child, and praises them for bringing back the pea so carefully! This is just one example of how attentive and responsive parents can create opportunities for the child to play and learn in pretty much any situation. 

Infants and toddlers by their nature are playful. As adults we sometimes think of play as a frivolous activity, however, in their earliest years children understand the world around them through this very play. To a child, playing is the equivalent of conducting a scientific experiment, as they test their hypothesis by repeating playful actions over and over again.

On this International Day of Play, take a moment to embrace these simple yet impactful activities listed below. These activities are designed to engage your child, aged birth to three, helping you bond, connect, and revel in the wonders of their earliest experiences. 

Walk around town:

A walk helps a child know and feel the environment around, learn names of new people and places, and become more responsive to the external cues. 

Activity Steps:

1. Take your child for a walk outside.

2. Point out and talk about various things, people, animals  in the surroundings.

3. Encourage the child to repeat words associated with what they see.

4. Discuss nature, objects, colors, and anything that could be interesting and new for the baby.

5. Make it an interactive conversation, asking questions and sharing observations.

Singing and dancing to favourite songs:

Singing and dancing provides a fun-filled way for the child to learn new words, while engaging with music, sound and movement.

Activity Steps:

1. Choose a song or nursery rhyme that either you or the baby enjoys

2. Sing the song or nursery rhyme to the baby with enthusiasm.

3. Encourage the baby to clap, shake their bodies, or join in with simple actions.

4. Repeat the nursery rhyme, inviting the baby to repeat a few words and sing along if they can.

5. Make it a joyful bonding experience.

Storytime with loved ones:

Listening to stories told by loved ones helps the child improve their listening, thinking and imagination while they connect with their loved ones and learn more about them.

Activity steps:

1. While sitting with your child, such as during changing the child’s nappy, during play time, or when you return from work, tell a funny story about the tallest little child in the world, or tell a story about what you did at work, you can even tell them a story about your own childhood – if you love the story, the baby will love it too!

2. Use a playful and engaging tone, dramatically expressing different emotions with your voice and body language.

3. Make  storytelling a part of your routine and soon, the baby will start asking for more storytime!

Let’s pretend:

Pretend play sparks the baby’s imagination, and helps them express what they are observing through words, actions, and more.

Activity Steps:

  1. Gather safe and suitable everyday objects from the house
  2. Demonstrate how to use each object through pretend play, talking about different members of the family and how they use it
  3. Encourage the child to imitate and engage in their own pretend play
  4. Encourage the child and imitate them. Let them imitate you  
  5. Don’t forget, the child will enjoy this activity and learn from it much more if you participate and join in the fun!

Splish-Splash water fun:

Babies love playing with water. This water play activity fosters sensory development as they splash around joyfully exercising their fingers, hands and bodies. 

Activity Steps:

  1. Fill a bucket with water in a safe play area where you don’t mind making a mess!
  2. Provide child-friendly glasses or cups for scooping and pouring.
  3. Encourage the child to explore freely, pouring and splashing
  4. Encourage the child’s water play, hold their hands and show them how it’s done.
  5. As always, join in the fun, making it a shared water adventure.

Not only will this kind of play help your child learn and grow, it will also bring you and your child closer, making your bond stronger. Not only this, play can also teach parents a thing or two about patience, creativity and joy. So do take some time out to bring out your inner child as you engage with your young ones. 

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Vibha Iyer

Vibha Iyer is a Lead - Learning and Design at Rocket Learning. Ms. Iyer is also a part of the working committee that planned and detailed Navchetana, India’s first framework for early simulation in the 0-3 ages.

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