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Image depicting new RNA virus

New RNA virus species detected in the oceans


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New RNA virus species have been discovered in the world’s oceans

According to a new study, researchers have found more than 5,000 new RNA virus species in the world’s oceans.

The researchers have tested thousands of water samples from around the globe to find RNA viruses or viruses which have RNA as their genetic material.

What is RNA virus?

RNA virus is a virus with ribonucleic acid (RNA) as its genetic material.

The nucleic acid in the virus is usually single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) but it may be double-stranded (dsRNA).

Studying the virus in ocean water

Scientists have said that RNA viruses have a new variety. A new phylum, the Taraviricota is found all over the oceans. All of these are important for ecology.

Studies on RNA viruses have usually focussed on the viruses that cause diseases. Some well-known viruses include influenza, Ebola and Coronavirus.

Reaserch study

The researchers have analyzed 35,000 water samples taken from 121 locations in all five of the world’s oceans. The researchers are part of the Tara Oceans Consortium. Tara Oceans Consortium is a global project to study the impact of climate change on the oceans.

Scientists have examined genetic sequences taken from plankton. Planktons are small aquatic animals and they are common hosts for RNA viruses. Scientists searched for an ancient gene called RdRp that is found in all RNA viruses.

RdRp gene is billion years old. The researchers used machine learning to identify the relationship between the sequences.

Scientists have identified about 5,500 new species of the RNA virus. The virus exists in 5 new phyla, namely, Taraviricota, Pomiviricota, Paraxenoviricota, Wamoviricota and Arctiviricota.

Viruses in the Taraviricota phylum are found in tropical waters while viruses in the Arctiviricota phylum are found in abundance in the Arctic ocean.

Watch this informative video on the RNA virus shared on Youtube:

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