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Giant black spot on Jupiter


Recommended for Preparatory Grades


NASA discovers black spot on Jupiter

Space is a mystery. New and exciting things keep coming up in the space world.  With the advancement in technologies, various space agencies have emerged and they are bringing different things to notice. Recently, NASA has discovered a giant black spot on Jupiter.

Black spot on Jupiter

Recently, NASA has shared a picture of Jupiter in which a large black shadow is seen on the largest planet in the solar system.

The shadow on the left side of the planet is assumed to be cast by Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede. This image is captured by the Juno spacecraft. This image was taken when the spacecraft was passed by Jupiter on 25th February 2022. While taking the image, the Juno spacecraft was 71,000 kilometres above Jupiter.

NASA has mentioned that eclipses on Jupiter are common as it has four moons. In one week, Ganymede transits once, Europa moon twice and Io four times. These moons are close to the planet and therefore, their shadows cast upon the planet. The black spot can be the shadow of the moon as well.

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