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Image depicting NaviMoon

NaviMoon GPS system will work on moon


Recommended for Middle Grades


NaviMoon GPS device is under testing

The UK engineers are testing a device called NaviMoon. This device will make the GPS system work on the moon. It will be launched ahead of the launch of a demonstration mission in 2024.

What is GPS system?

The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Space Force.

What is NaviMoon?

NaviMoon is a device built by the company Space PNT, based in Switzerland.  This device is created for the European Space Agency which funds lunar missions.

NaviMoon will help in determining the position of a spacecraft on the moon. Since it is a GPS device, it will make the process easier and cheaper.

GPS navigation on Moon

The moon is approximately 239,220 miles (385,000 kilometres) away from Earth. Moreover, the GPS navigation satellites beam their signals towards the planet, so when it reaches the moon, it is just an effect. The GPS signals that reach the moon are 1,000 times weaker than it is on Earth.

The engineers believe that the NaviMoon GPS device will be successful in determining the position of the satellite orbiting the moon with the accuracy of 330 feet.

NaviMoon GPS system

Using the NaviMoon device, the engineers can extend GPS signals to the moon’s surface. Steps to use the system:

  • Use the NaviMoon system on the satellite to determine the position of the satellite.
  • Beam the signals on the rovers and astronauts on the moon’s surface.
  • Small constellations of four or five satellites are equipped with the new GPS device.

NaviMoon GPS device will provide better services to the astronauts landing on the moon and the launching of various moon missions.

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