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Karnataka chief minister Yediyurappa wins trust vote!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Once upon a time in Karnataka, there was a very important event happening in the Legislative Assembly. They had a new leader, B.S. Yediyurappa, who became the Chief Minister, which is a very big responsibility. The Governor, Vajubhai Vala, chose him because he was the leader of the largest party called BJP.

To continue being the leader of the house, BSY had to prove that everyone in the Assembly trusted him and supported him. They called this special test a “vote of confidence” or “trust vote.” The members of the Assembly had to say “Aye” or “No” to show their support or opposition.

Triumphant Trust

  • But there was something special about this test; they didn’t raise their hands to vote; instead, they used their voices to say “Aye” or “No.” The leader needed to hear more “Ayes” than “Nos” to win.
  • Thankfully, BSY got the majority of “Ayes,” and so he won the trust vote. He was very happy, and many people celebrated his success.
  • However, after the test, something unexpected happened. The Speaker of the Assembly, Ramesh Kumar, decided to resign from his important role. It was a big surprise for everyone.
  • Before the test, the Assembly had 225 members, but after the Speaker disqualified 17 members on different days, the number reduced to 208. This made the majority mark, the minimum number needed to prove support, become 105. But since BJP had more than enough members, they easily proved their majority.
  • The Assembly Speaker, Ramesh Kumar, had been in this important role before, from 1994 to 1999. But now, he decided to step down after the floor test and after the Assembly passed an important bill called the “Appropriation Bill.” This bill gave the ruling government the power to take money from the ‘Consolidated Funds of India’ to spend on important things for the people.
  • In conclusion, B.S. Yediyurappa, with the support of his party members, became the Chief Minister of Karnataka after passing the trust vote. It was a momentous day in the Assembly, but it also brought some unexpected changes. The Assembly Speaker, Ramesh Kumar, resigned, and some members were disqualified. Despite all that, the government showed its strength and moved forward to work for the people of Karnataka.

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