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Image depicting Highlights from the SCO Summit 2022!

Highlights from the SCO Summit 2022!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) summit 2022 is held in the city of Samarkand in the country of Uzbekistan. It is a meeting of eight powerful countries.

However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s aggressive military stance in the Taiwan Strait are causes of concern.

What is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?

China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 1996 to maintain mutual security.

Prime Minister Modi stresses how important it is for countries to work together more.

Prime Minister Modi and President Jinping make their first joint appearance.

Both Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping believe the way the world is run needs to change. Putin is happy that countries outside of the West are becoming more powerful.

The next summit will be held in 2023 in India.

Important Details

  • Narendra Modi meets with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, for a bilateral meeting.
  • The two leaders talk about how their countries could work together better in a lot of different ways.
  • At the summit, Xi says that world leaders should work together to promote the development of the international order in a more fair and reasonable way.
  • Food security, fuel security, and fertiliser security are the key topics that Indian Prime Minister and Russian President Vladimir Putin discuss.
  • Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs states that no decision is made about Islamabad’s participation in the next SCO summit.
  • Prime Ministers of Iran and India meet for the first time.
  • They talk about strengthening relationships with each other.
  • In addition to what is going on in the world and the region, including in Afghanistan.

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