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Image depicting Hundreds pay tribute to Babiya, a vegetarian crocodile!

Hundreds pay tribute to Babiya, a vegetarian crocodile!


Recommended for Crocodiles

A vegetarian crocodile who lived in a temple pond in Kerala died. To show their respect, hundreds of people gathered at the funeral.

The people who went to the temple to pray thought that the crocodile Babiya had divine qualities. The crocodile only ate the jaggery and rice that was given to it. Because of this, Babiya was a big draw at the temple.

What are crocodiles?

Crocodiles are large reptiles with thick, scaly skin made up of plates that are armoured and waterproof.

Key facts!

  • The temple does not have any documents that could provide light on how the enormous reptile managed to get to its pond.
  • As there is neither a river nor any other body of water in the immediate area.
  • The legend of the temple claims that in 1945 a British soldier shot a crocodile near the shrine.
  • And that within a few days another crocodile, who was later given the name Babiya, arose.
  • Babiya remained vegetarian for more than seven decades.
  • It had lived in a temple pond in the Kasaragod region of Kerala for its entire life.
  • After each of the pujas that took place at the temple throughout the day, Babiya was given an offering.
  • It is not known for certain whether or not the creature ever displayed aggressive behaviour or attacked worshippers.
  • Babiya guarded the temple while living in the lake for nearly seventy years.

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