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Image depicting Chinese radar offers friendly countries assistance!

Chinese radar offers friendly countries assistance!

Recommended for Middle Grades

The Chinese government is letting friendly countries buy a radar system that could make western satellites less useful for war intelligence gathering.

The SLC-18 can find and keep track of multiple low-orbiting satellites at the same time.

What is a radar?

Radar is a system for finding things that uses radio waves to figure out how far away, how far away at an angle, and how fast things are moving around the site.

What does a radar system look for?

Radar can be used to find planes, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, cars, weather patterns, and the land itself.

Spy satellites need to be able to be tracked by armies so that troops on the ground can avoid being seen, act sneaky, or even take countermeasures like electromagnetic interference.

This is because monitoring by satellite is becoming a more common part of modern war.

China has been working to make anti-satellite weapons because it thinks of space as a strategic battlefield. It also has interceptor missiles on the ground in addition to space-based systems that can find and catch satellites in orbit.

Key facts!

  • The SLC-18 is nearly 10-meter-tall.
  • It can find and follow several low-orbiting satellites at the same time.
  • Furthermore, it can also predict where those satellites will go.
  • China Electronics Technology Group Corporation is a government company.
  • It is the company that made the radar.
  • The company authorities state that radar has a wide search range.
  • It could work at any time of day or night, no matter what the weather was like.
  • This radar lets friendly nations keep an eye on space targets from the ground for a price that fits their budgets.
  • In addition to being able to see what’s going on around low-orbiting satellites, it can also provide situational awareness.
  • This could be helpful for countries that didn’t have enough ways to keep an eye on space.
  • A network of SLC-18 radars could keep track of all satellites flying over a certain area.
  • It could predict when others would arrive, giving ground troops enough time to act if the network was spread out in the right way.
  • All of the semiconductor chips that were used in the radar were made in China.

Youtube user “Pebbles Kids Learning” shares with us the workings of a radar.

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