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PM Modi addresses the nation on Kashmir


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, spoke to the entire nation on television. He shared some very important things about the past, how it connects to our present, and what could happen next.

He talked about Article 370 and 35A, which were changed recently. These changes will affect the regions of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. The Prime Minister said that now Jammu and Kashmir will follow the same laws as the rest of India.

Everyone in Jammu and Kashmir will have the same rights and benefits as others in the country.

Kashmir Unbound: Promising Future

  • The Prime Minister also promised that development will take place in Jammu and Kashmir. The people will be able to own property there. Also, new companies will be encouraged to start businesses, creating job opportunities for the people.
  • He also mentioned that the state will have its elections, and people will get to choose their representatives. This means the state won’t be under special rules for too long and will have more control over its affairs.
  • The Prime Minister urged the people of Jammu and Kashmir to take charge and work towards the growth of the region. However, right now, there are some restrictions on movement and communication due to the changes. This might lead to protests.
  • On the international front, Pakistan reacted to these changes by expelling the Indian High Commissioner and suspending trade and relations with India. But India believes that this matter is internal to the country and Pakistan’s reaction is not justified.
  • From this story, we learn that changes in laws can have a significant impact on the lives of people. So, it is essential to handle such situations with care and understanding. We also understand the importance of communication and cooperation between countries during times of change.
  • Let us remember that changes can be tough for some people! It’s essential to be sensitive and empathetic towards their feelings and concerns. We should strive to create a world where everyone’s rights and aspirations are respected and valued.

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