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Image depicting Foreign lawyers & firms can work in India!

Foreign lawyers & firms can work in India!

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Guess what? Foreign lawyers and law firms can now work in India! This is good news for Indian lawyers too. They can work together on things like foreign law.

As a result, the law will help Indian lawyers learn more about international law. Likewise, it will also help foreign lawyers learn more about Indian law.

Foreign law is the laws of other countries and international legal issues. These are problems that involve different countries.

Important Details

  • Firstly, the rules say that foreign lawyers have to register with the BCI before they can work in India.
  • Secondly, the lawyers can also come to India for a short time to give advice.
    • However, they can’t stay for more than 60 days.
  • Thirdly, foreign lawyers can’t practice Indian law, but they can practice international law.
    • As a result, this will help India become a hub for international commercial settlement.
    • The Bar Council of India (BCI) is allowing lawyers and law firms from other countries to work in India.
    • They can help with things like making business deals, protecting new ideas, and making contracts.
    • However, they cannot help with things like buying or selling property.
  • Importantly, the BCI will make sure the foreign lawyers follow the rules.

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