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Image depicting India and U.S. unite in space!

India and U.S. unite in space!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

India and the U.S. are working together on some really cool stuff in space! They want to send an Indian astronaut to a special place called the International Space Station (ISS) in 2024.

The U.S. President, Joe Biden, told everyone about this exciting plan during a talk in Washington. He had just finished a meeting with India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

Space Collaboration

  • They are joining forces to do lots of amazing things. They want to make better medicines and explore space. Sending the Indian astronaut to the ISS is part of their plan to work together. It shows that both countries want to make progress and come up with new ideas.
  • Prime Minister Modi also said that India is going to sign something called the Artemis Accords. This is a big step forward for space cooperation. The accords are like rules for exploring space and they want to send humans back to the moon by 2025. They even have plans to go to Mars!
  • India has a project called Gaganyaan, and they want to send their first astronaut to space in 2024 or early 2025. So the Indian astronaut might go to the ISS before they go on their own space mission. This is a surprising twist that shows how they are working together.
  • India and the U.S. are not only working on space stuff. They are also teaming up in the semiconductor industry. They want to make sure there are enough semiconductors for electronic devices. They are investing a lot of money and building facilities and training programs in India. They take this partnership very seriously.
  • They are also working together on mineral security, advanced computing, telecommunications, and higher education. They want to make sure they have important minerals, use new technologies, have good phone networks, and promote learning and research. They are pooling their resources and knowledge to make all of this happen.
  • India and the U.S. are showing how powerful it is to work together with other countries in science, technology, and exploration. They are doing amazing things and proving that there are no limits to what they can achieve together.

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