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Primary schools reopen in Jammu and Kashmir


Recommended for Middle Grades

Aloha, voracious reader! Let us tell you a sensitive story about schools in Srinagar and Kashmir. So, one sunny Monday on the 19th of August, the primary schools in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir decided to open their gates after being closed for a while.

But guess what? Not many students showed up! It was like a party with very few guests, and the schools were sad about it. Some schools even closed their gates again in the morning because so few students came.

The parents and elders were quite worried and scared. There were some rules and restrictions in many areas, and that made everyone a bit unsure about going to school. Some private schools even stayed closed, like they were playing hide-and-seek with the students!

School Struggles

  • Now, let us tell you something interesting. In another place called Jammu, things were quite different! Most schools in five border districts had lots of students coming in with big smiles on their faces. Those districts were Rajouri, Poonch, Ramban, Doda, and some parts of Kishtwar. It’s like they were having a party of their own!
  • But in Srinagar, they only opened schools in safe areas, as if the schools were hiding from something too! The parents and elders in the valley were still worried, though. The day before, there were some problems, and they had to put some rules back in place because some people were upset about things called Article 370 being removed from the Constitution.
  • Now, let’s learn something from this story. It’s essential to understand that sometimes things can be a bit tough and confusing, even for grown-ups. The people in Kashmir are going through some changes, and it’s natural for them to feel worried and unsure about going to school.
  • We should try to be understanding and kind to them, just like we would be with our friends when they’re going through a tough time. And you know what, if we ever meet someone from Kashmir, we can be their friends and make them feel welcome and supported.
  • So, the next time you hear about a place far away facing challenges, remember to show compassion and empathy, and maybe you can be a little superhero in someone’s life! And who knows, maybe one day you’ll visit those beautiful places and spread laughter and love like a magical storyteller.

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