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Image depicting Allahabad High Court Tickles Adipurush Writer!

Allahabad High Court Tickles Adipurush Writer!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Oh boy, you won’t believe what happened at the Allahabad High Court! They got all serious about a movie called Adipurush! They said that the tolerance of a certain community was being put to the test. Now the court wasn’t happy with how the characters of Lord Rama, Hanuman, and Sita were portrayed in the film. They even called it vulgar and objectionable!

The Allahabad High Court is a special place where judges make important decisions! They solve problems to help people of Allahabad. It’s like a big referee for the city, making sure things are fair and just.

Let’s find out more!

Adipurush Controversy: Court Protects Sentiments!

  • So, some people filed petitions against the movie. You see, petitions are like special letters that people write to ask for something they want or to change something they don’t like. In other words, it’s a way for many people to work together and ask important people to listen and make a difference.
  • The people thought the movie insulted important Hindu characters and the cultural heritage of Ayodhya. Also, the court thought that the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) should have considered the religious importance of the film before giving it a certificate.
  • The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is a group of people who watch movies before they are shown to decide if they are suitable for different age groups. They make sure that movies are safe and appropriate for kids to watch.
  • One of the petitioners’ lawyers, Ranjana Agnihotri, said that the court allowed them to add Manoj Muntashir Shukla, the dialogue writer, as a party to the case.
  • The court seems to be pretty upset about the movie. Plus it is worried about how it might affect people’s feelings towards Lord Rama, Devi Sita, and Hanuman. They even mentioned that some people caused trouble at cinema halls when the movie was released.
  • The court wants to make sure that the movie doesn’t hurt anyone’s sentiments. They asked the Deputy Solicitor General of India to check if the objectionable scenes and dialogue are really in the film. The Deputy Solicitor General of India is a very important lawyer who helps the government of India in legal matters. So, they make sure the laws are followed and protect the interests of the country.
  • The court also mentioned a law that gives the central government the power to make changes in such situations. They didn’t seem convinced by the movie’s disclaimer.Plus, wanted more than just a few changes to the scenes. The court made it clear that they would take action to protect the sentiments of the people. Now, let’s see what happens next!

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