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Image depicting Protecting Our Home: Biometric Safety!

Protecting Our Home: Biometric Safety!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hello, knowledge-hungry one! Let us tell you a story about some things happening in a place called Manipur and Mizoram.

You see, the Home Ministry, which is like the boss of the country’s homes, asked these governments to record some special information about certain people they called “illegal migrants.” Sounds like a spy mission, right?

The Home Ministry sent a letter to the governments of Manipur and Mizoram, telling them to collect special information about these “illegal migrants.” They want to know all about their eyes and fingers, even the retina and iris!

The Home Ministry wants to know who these “illegal migrants” are and where they come from. They must be serious about it if they’re asking for such detailed information. Maybe they want to make sure everyone in the country is supposed to be here. Or maybe they’re looking for some secret agents! Who knows?

Spy Mission Unveiled

  • Oh, the plot thickens! Just before all of this, there was some fighting between two groups of people in Manipur. It got pretty intense, with lots of people getting hurt and many having to leave their homes. And you know what? There are some refugees from a country called Myanmar who are seeking shelter in Mizoram. They’re like neighbours, and people on both sides have family ties. I guess this makes things even more complicated.
  • The Manipur government seems to have already started the mission to gather information about these “illegal migrants.” They’re working hard, and they’ve already identified about 2,500 of them. It looks like they’re using a special format from the National Crime Records Bureau.
  • The Home Ministry sent a letter to the Manipur government before, reminding them about the rules for dealing with foreign nationals who overstay or migrate illegally. They even sent guidelines to all the state governments to follow. The letter said that India doesn’t have the power to give refugee status to any foreigners because they’re not part of a special United Nations convention. So, no superhero status for these migrants!
  • The governments of Manipur and Mizoram have even appointed special officers to collect and enter all this information into a super-secret central portal.
  • Well, that’s the end of our story for today. Things can get pretty complicated, huh? But don’t worry, these grown-ups are doing their best to figure it all out. Who knows what will happen next? Maybe one day, you’ll be a superhero and solve mysteries just like this one! Keep smiling and stay curious!

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