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Image depicting Happy & Sad: Manipur’s Net Restrictions Shift!

Happy & Sad: Manipur’s Net Restrictions Shift!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hiya, eager seeker! Guess what happened in Manipur? The grown-ups were having some trouble with the internet, but they tried to make it funny and sensitive at the same time. Let us tell you what happened in an interesting way!

Internet Quirks

  • Okay, so the State government in Manipur decided to do something called an “Internet shutdown” for 83 whole days! Can you imagine not being able to use the internet for so long? It must have been tough for the people there.
  • But don’t worry, they finally decided to lift some of the restrictions on July 25. Hooray! But wait, there’s a catch. They still banned something called “Mobile Internet.” That means people couldn’t use their phones to go online. Why, you ask? Well, they were worried that some bad information might spread and cause trouble. They didn’t want any more problems in the State.
  • To make things even more interesting, they came up with some rules, like no WiFi, no funny-sounding “VPN” things, and they asked people to delete their social media apps! Can you believe it? They even said they would keep an eye on people to make sure they follow these rules. It’s like having grown-up police for the internet!
  • But don’t worry, the grown-ups decided to let some internet come back, but only certain kinds. They call it “wired” internet, and it has to be super special with a “static” address. It’s like giving someone a special secret code to get online.
  • Now, some people said these rules were a bit tricky, especially for the internet companies. They thought it would be hard to control everything like the grown-ups wanted. They even said banning WiFi wouldn’t work because people could just turn it back on secretly! Kids these days are clever, you know!
  • The grown-ups were worried about something called “unrest,” which means people getting upset and causing problems. They thought the internet could be used to spread rumors and bad stuff, and they wanted to avoid that.
  • So, they had a big meeting in a place called “High Court,” and they talked about all these internet things. The court told the State to let some types of internet come back, and the government agreed. But then they still kept some things banned because they were worried about those rumors again.
  • In the end, they made some people happy by bringing back part of the internet, but some people were still a bit sad because they couldn’t use their phones for the internet.
  • Isn’t it funny how grown-ups sometimes have to figure out these things? But it’s also important to be careful and kind when making decisions. So, now you know what happened in Manipur with the internet!
  • And remember, if you ever have any questions about the internet or anything else, you can always ask us!

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