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Image depicting 2023 Words of the Year

2023 Words of the Year


Recommended for English

The ‘Words of the Year’ concept shows how language and society change. In 2023, Artificial Intelligence (AI) greatly influenced this concept, affecting many parts of life. This story explores how famous dictionaries chose the 2023 Words of the Year, focusing on AI’s big role in how we see authenticity, reality, and how we process information.

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The Dominance of AI and Authenticity

  • “Authentic” as Word of the Year: For 2023, Merriam-Webster selected “authentic” as the Word of the Year. This choice shines a light on our collective desire to find truth and genuineness. In an era where digital media and artificial intelligence (AI) are prevalent, people are increasingly concerned with what is real and genuine, especially on social media and in celebrity culture.
  • AI’s Impact on “Authentic”: The influence of AI on the concept of “authentic” is significant. AI technologies have made it harder to distinguish between what is real and what is fabricated. This has been particularly evident in the realms of deepfake videos, academic integrity, and the entertainment industry. As a result, the word “authentic” has become more important in our discussions and writings.
  • “Hallucinate” from Cambridge Dictionary: Cambridge Dictionary’s decision to choose “hallucinate” as its Word of the Year points to concerns about AI’s ability to generate misleading or false information. This choice highlights the growing anxiety around the reliability of information in the age of AI, where technology can create convincing but untrue data or imagery.
  • “AI” by Collins English Dictionary: Collins English Dictionary’s selection of “AI” as its Word of the Year underscores the omnipresence and significance of artificial intelligence in modern life. This choice reflects how AI has not just become a technological term but a part of everyday language and conversation, touching various aspects of our lives.

AI’s Societal Impact and Ethical Challenges

  • AI’s Role in 2023: The year 2023 marked a significant increase in the influence of AI in various sectors. Innovations like ChatGPT and the prevalence of deepfake technology have demonstrated both the advantages and potential dangers of AI. These technologies have shown AI’s capability in aiding creativity and efficiency while also raising concerns about misinformation and ethical issues.
  • Deepfake’s Rise: The term “deepfake” gained widespread attention due to high-profile incidents involving public figures like Elon Musk and Ryan Reynolds. These cases brought to light the growing issue of digital content manipulation, sparking discussions about the ethics and potential misuse of AI in creating realistic but fake videos and images.
  • India’s Response to Deepfakes: In India, deepfake videos of actress Rashmika Mandanna went viral. This caused nationwide talks on the legal side of such videos. People discussed penalizing those who make and host deepfakes. This highlights the need for laws to handle AI-created content challenges.

Advancements and Reflections in AI

  • Sam Altman and AGI Project Q*: Sam Altman left OpenAI and then rejoined, marking a big change in AI. The AGI project Q* he worked on is key. It solves complex math problems. This shows AI is growing beyond language tasks. Now, it tackles a wider range of tough problems.
  • Historical Context of Words of the Year: Reflecting on past Words of the Year, like “pandemic” in 2020 and “justice” in 2018, reveals a lot. These words echo key events and changes in society. They mirror global and political scenarios of their times. They also shed light on shifting societal concerns and interests. This shows the power of language and word choice in capturing the essence of an era.

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