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Image depicting Crocodiles & Humans: Moyar's Peaceful Coexistence

Crocodiles & Humans: Moyar’s Peaceful Coexistence


Recommended for Crocodiles

The news story offers an insightful look into the unique relationship between mugger crocodiles and humans along the Moyar River. This river, flowing through the Mudumalai and Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserves in Tamil Nadu, India, serves as a significant stronghold for these crocodiles.

Noted for their shy and reclusive nature, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies them as vulnerable. Remarkably, they have coexisted peacefully with humans in this region for decades.

Habitat and Population Dynamics of Mugger Crocodiles:

  • The Moyar River, part of the Mudumalai and Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserves, serves as a prime habitat for mugger crocodiles.
  • Research from the early 1990s identified 16-20 breeding females along the river, reflecting a healthy breeding population.
  • Recent studies, including sightings and population assessments, indicate a stable population. Specifically, 81 crocodiles, encompassing adults and juveniles, have been observed along a 36-kilometer stretch of the river.
  • The population estimates, both past and present, suggest that the crocodiles are maintaining their numbers effectively in this region.

Methods of Population Assessment and Human-Crocodile Interaction:

  • Researchers employ eye-shine counts to estimate crocodile populations. This method, used in the 1990s, revealed 100-120 individuals along the Moyar River.
  • The breeding success rate of mugger crocodiles is relatively low, with only about 1% of hatchlings surviving to adulthood.
  • A unique aspect of the Moyar River region is the minimal negative interaction between humans and crocodiles. The local Adivasi communities exhibit a profound understanding and respect for wildlife, contributing to this peaceful coexistence.

Conservation Challenges and Efforts:

  • The primary threats to the mugger crocodile population include habitat destruction due to invasive species and harmful fishing practices like the use of dynamite.
  • Conservationists and researchers express concern over the introduction of non-native fish species, which could disrupt the river ecosystem and indirectly affect the crocodiles.
  • Efforts by the Forest Department and wildlife biologists focus on removing invasive flora and conducting comprehensive studies to protect the riverine ecosystem. This includes identifying and safeguarding crocodile nesting sites from the advance of invasive species.
  • The ongoing conservation measures aim to preserve not only the crocodiles but also the entire river ecosystem, ensuring the sustainability of this unique human-wildlife interaction.

Final Thoughts

The Moyar River exemplifies peaceful coexistence between humans and large predators. Local communities, researchers, and the Forest Department significantly contribute to this harmony. They actively engage in maintaining a balance between human activities and wildlife needs.

Importantly, the Moyar River’s mugger crocodiles symbolize a key species within the ecosystem. They demonstrate how humans and wildlife can interact harmoniously.

Looking ahead, conservation strategies must prioritize protecting the crocodiles’ habitat. Understanding the unique dynamics of human-wildlife coexistence remains crucial for future efforts. This approach will ensure the sustained protection and appreciation of the delicate balance in the Moyar River ecosystem.

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