Supreme Court gives its verdict on Ayodhya dispute
Recommended for Secondary Grades
Ayodhya Accord
- There’s a group of people in India called the Supreme Court who help solve big disagreements like this. Five very wise judges from this court, led by a man named Ranjan Gogoi, made a decision about the Ayodhya dispute.
- They said that the Hindu people should build a temple at the disputed site, and the Muslim people should be given five acres of land elsewhere in Ayodhya to build a new mosque.
- This decision was made to keep the peace and make sure that everyone feels their beliefs are respected. In order to keep things calm and safe while everyone adjusts to this decision, a lot of police and security forces have been brought to Ayodhya. They’re there to make sure nobody tries to start a fight over the decision.
- The Ayodhya dispute was a tough problem because it involved something very special to two different groups of people. But the Supreme Court of India made a decision they thought was fair to everyone.
- Now, it’s up to the people of Ayodhya to respect that decision and each other’s beliefs. After all, places can be important, but it’s how we treat each other that truly matters.
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