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NASA says human actions are drying out the Amazon


Recommended for Climate Change

A newly released NASA study states that the atmosphere over the Amazon rainforest in South America has dried out over the last 20 years.

  • This is especially prevalent in the south-east region where most of the farming and grazing expansion is happening.
  • Satellite data, combined with ground data indicates that there isn’t enough moisture in the air to maintain the rainforest ecosystem.
  • This change in atmospheric dryness is well beyond the expectation from natural causes.
  • Increase in greenhouse gas levels is largely responsible for most of the dryness.
  • The other culprit is human actions – burning of forest to clear up land for farming and grazing.
  • These intentional fires give off soot and other particles known as aerosols, which absorb heat from the sun and contribute further to the warming effect.
  • The northwest region of Amazon, though generally not dry, has also started suffering from droughts for the past 20 years.

All this has led to more and more forest fires over the years, destroying habitats, threatening wildlife and indigenous communities.

The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest, covering 40% of South America. Its trees absorb billions of tons of carbon dioxide which helps regulate climate change. Sadly, this is about to change.

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