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Our Life during COVID 19

Article by: Hasan Haider,Cambridge School Shrinivaspuri, New Delhi

Art By: Aanya Jain, DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi

Covid 19 a virus, which is found and said as a family member of the sars virus group. We all know how the world is defending itself against the deadly virus which has taken the lives of thousands of people in the entire world.

We all have no idea about how deadly and long-lasting it would be if no immediate responses are taken place by the government of all countries.The whole towns, villages, cities, countries have shut their shops, hotels, malls, and big companies have been closed due to the attack of the virus and is roaming on Earth. If someone gets in contact with you which is been infected can cause high fever and the virus can transmit into your body immediately.We cannot go out of our own houses and we can’t even go to the shop to buy something! Only we can if we have a need for useful devices or for food.

Our lives are like if we are imprisoned in our own room, and living the life of a prisoner. The only place to travel is really really cheap and has really less distance which is the kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor balcony where you go and check out for the weather. Yah! I know you guys are too sad about it like me but no one really knows when this dangerous plague will end.

It has been more half of a year not seen the road full of traffic, people passing by the road and shops opened having sweets and bread toasts!! We are now realising how are the birds and the parrots which are imprisoned and captured in the silver cage. We are not able to meet our loved once and not be able to attend religious festivals with our cousins and friends. Our school has been closed due to this plague and we are not able to laugh and play with our friends dude!

There are many countries which have faced this virus and defended it but there are some which are there to fight with and some are there where this virus has made his tent and has started living there. Every life is precious to us and the Earth and every life have different work. I wonder ! do you so that how the nurses and the doctors are there to save the lives of thousands of people while they are giving their lives for them.

We all don’t seem to be careless about our lives and the lives of our young ones. We all need to be really very very attentive to what is coming to the house and what kind of material it is and have that person watched his hand after coming from outside and is the person using gloves and masks to cover their mouth, nose and hands. It seems that this plague would be long-lasting for years by seeing the conditions and the medical facilities from the government of each country. Our lives are in danger and we have to protect them from this plague.

Help yourself and protect your life and the lives of your loved ones. Take care of yourself and protect others by doing so!


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Hasan Haider

Grade 7, Cambridge School Shrinivaspuri, New Delhi

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