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My Expressions

‘The Leap’ By Shirin Chandy, Excelsior English School

Our journey to online classes started in April 2020, when we came across a situation that we may not be able to open schools for some time.

We went through various platforms to conclude that Microsoft Teams was best suited for our requirements. My faculty had to be trained for this transformation from chalkboards to keyboards in a short period of time.

Fortunately, we did not receive any resistance. Teachers accepted it as the only mode to teach during these times. Parents, though apprehensive at first, tuned in to us and took up the challenge. They were also supportive.

Students were elated by the new method of learning. The learning outcomes were better too. Because the visual resources, which are being used, help in better comprehension of the subjects. Students are anxious about their future especially the older ones. Their mental wellbeing needs to be looked into which is a little difficult through a screen.

I do wonder how it would be in the future. Only time can tell. We need to adapt ourselves to whatever the change happens to survive. Hope our internet services could get better and more consumer-friendly. We often suffer from poor connectivity issues.

My recommendations are to take baby steps forward instead of big leaps, try and test all available resources to gain knowledge to better yourselves and face challenges as they’re here to stay. Don’t be alarmed by the change.

I like Curious Times, as it is a platform for expressing ideas, thoughts and opinions.

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Shirin Chandy

Principal, Excelsior English School

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